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1. Seed Germination Media: This is a myth in our country that only Peat Moss is the best seed germination media. Use of fine river sand works very well in seed germination and subsequent root growth of seedlings (especially for Adenium, cactus, Palm varieties etc.). But during extreme hot weather, river sand based media gets dried up early. Hence, we add 25% cocopeat in that media to enhance water retention capacity. Use of Perlite in seed germination media does not add any extra benefit, hence we don’t use that in our seed media. As per our research and experiments, following media (varies as per plant variety) also showed excellent results:
(a) Cocopeat and Vermicompost based media
(b) Fine River Sand, Cocopeat and Vermicompost based media
(c) Garden Soil, Cocopeat and Vermicompost based media
(d) Fine River Sand and Vermicompost based media

2. Soil: Water of potting soil should reach bottom of pot within 20-25 seconds of watering. This is the basic quality of fast draining soil with optimum aeration. Soil of pot should be prepared in a way so that roots may have proper aeration and drainage of excess water. To make the ideal potting soil for most of the plants, minimum 20 % drainage media in potting mix must be available. We can choose any of the drainage media from: coarse river sand, crushed Leca, Rice Husk, Perlite or Pumice Stones. All these items (except river sand) help in roots aeration also. We should also add approximately 20% vermi-compost. In balance, we can add sterilized garden soil (soil taken from more than 2 feet depth-such soil is considered as free from harmful pathogens and weeds), Neem Cake and cocopeat / coconut husk chips in different ratio (as per type of plants). COMPOSITION OF THE POTTING SOIL DEPENDS UPON VARIETY OF PLANTS AND DIFFERS FROM EACH OTHER.

3. Aerated Potting Mix: (i) Most of us have seen gardeners while digging the soil around plants to loosen them so that the soil does not become hard. This effort is put up by farmers also to improve the health of crops (by ploughing the farms). Reason for doing this hard work is – to provide maximum aeration to plants’ rooting system. Aerated potting mix is a key to successful drainage media also. Whenever we prepare potting mix for our plants, we must use at least 20 % media to provide better aeration. Traditionally, plant lovers have been using Perlite for this purpose. But, there are many more better options than using Perlite, like- Crushed Leca and Pumice Stones. Rice Husk is also a good option due to easy local availability.
(ii) All these items have air cavities and allow proper aeration while ensuring fast drainage too. Use of Crushed Leca is considered better than Perlite due to more porous and larger air cavities. Moreover, crushed Leca is more stable, economical and sturdy than Perlite. However Pumice shows additional capability of supplying micro nutrients to plants. Crushed Leca and Pumice have longer life than Perlite and they do not disintegrate into powder easily. All these items are lighter in weight than garden soil. Hence potting mix becomes light weight due to use of these items and lower soil of potted plants does not become very compact. It helps roots to grow further easily. If we use rice husk for this purpose, that rice husk will decompose in soil within 3-4months. Use of Leca is also preferred by many gardeners to make light weight soil due to its porous composition.

4. Hydroponic Media: Leca balls of medium size (8-15mm) are most popular media for hydroponics. But some plant lovers use Pumice, coconut husk chips and Rice Husk as well.

5. Soil-Less Media: (i) The advantage of soil less media is growing plants without harmful worms and nematodes in soil. Moreover it reduces possibility of fungal attack in the plants. If we wish to grow plants with soil less media, we may grow many indoor plants and orchids. But, if we try to grow flowering plants with soil-less media, we may face problems, like- no flowering, early shedding of flowers, no formation of seeds etc. The main reason for these problems is deficiency of needful nutritional elements which are available in soil. We have to supply all needful nutrients meticulously to ensure healthy growth of our plants.
(ii) For preparation of soil-less media, we use River Sand, Cocopeat, Coconut Husk Chips, Vermi-compost, Charcoal, Leca Balls, Rice husk, Pumice, Perlite, Vermiculite in different ratios.

6. Aqua Soil: Some aquarium lovers have successfully tried to prepare aqua soil for their aquatic plants with use of smallest round Leca Balls and Crushed Leca balls of 1-3mm size.

7. Mulching Media: Leca Balls, Pumice, Coconut Husk Chips, Charcoal, Snails shell, Decorative Pebbles, Stone Chips etc. are used for mulching (top dressing of soil). If we use Leca balls, they protect soil from heating up or cooling down during summer or winter season, because Leca balls are used as insulated material. Pumice is capable to absorb atmospheric moisture, If we use Pumice, they protect soil from excessive heating and provide partial moisture around plants. Hence, use of Pumice as mulching media is more beneficial during summer season. Similarly coconut husk chips is also useful during summers. During rainy season, mulching with wood charcoal protects from fungal attack, because charcoal is a natural fungicide. Decorative pebbles or stone chips are not helpful as mulching media during excessive hot weather, because they will heat up with sunlight and surrounding of plants will have higher temperature due to pebbles. Use of Pebbles for indoor plants is more suitable to enhance beautification of plants.

All the above mentioned products are available on our website.

Disclaimer- We have expressed view points of our expert team members and some customers. If you have different views, we appreciate that also. Kindly share your feedback to improve the quality of this content for benefit of plant lovers across the world.
Thanks a lot.

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