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We offer All India Delivery with following approximate transit time for different cities / states. For express (faster) delivery charges, you have to pay extra amount.

 City / states Ordinary transit time (in days) Express (Fastest)time (in days)
Gandhinagar 2 1
Ahmedabad 2 1
Rest of Gujarat 2-5 1-3
Delhi, Mumbai 2-7 1-3
Pune, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Madhya
Pradesh, Rest of Maharashtra &
3-7 2-5
Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Hyderabad,
4-8 2-4
Kerala, Rest of Karnataka & Tamilnadu,
UP, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,
Haryana, Punjab, Southern U.T.
5-9 3-6
North eastern states, Himachal Pradesh,
5-11 3-7

Above mentioned transit time is based on our previous experience of 7 years and processing time is not included.

 If customer order is having only Garden items (without plants), the order will be despatched from our Godown within 2 working days (excluding excessive rain, natural calamity or Holidays). But if your order is having plants also, we may need upto 5 working days to ensure safe and professional packing of plants. Plants’ consignment will be despatched on a day, so that upcoming holidays may not delay the journey of the consignment.

We do not own any courier company and we choose third party renowned couriers to despatch consignments.  But till now, approximately 2% consignments have been delayed by all of our courier partners.

+91 7600903397